My super fit sister sent me a text at 10am asking it I wanted to go to the. I said Yes. Lo and behold! She almost had a heart attack! Anyway I did 30 mins on the cross trainer! Yay. We then went shopping and agreed to meet back at the gym at 2:30.
I then did 30 mins on the tread mill with one minute of walking and two minutes of jogging. For a whole 30 mins!! THEN she drags me to the weight machines where we spent about 30 mins do various things and me finding out my favourite machine (the one where you kneel and pull yourself up and down) is a no no for me and my band. It kinda felt like a pull where my port was when I did one. So I stopped. I didn't even attempt to do sit ups..
Question: How long will it be before I can do sit ups. My tummy and I really need it!!!!
Agree! Please let me know if you find out because now some of the fat has gone I have discovered a spare tyre! I need sit ups too.