Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lapband Lunch

Every month us Tasmanians organise a lapbanding lunch. I have been to three. One post bandin to meet people and chat about it. I find these lunches really good. I am a bit of a hermit, believe it or not, so meeting people who have the same thing in common and having laughs is a great thing for me. As it happends Dooley was down this weekend for it. He is proud of me for going and meeting new people. Here we are:

This morning weighed myself and it was 87.8!! Woo.. Nearly at the ten kilos mark!!!


  1. Yay! You weren't in the 80's last time you weighed in were you? Its so exciting when you get down to the next lot of ten isn't it ?

  2. Yeah Laura, I can't wait to get into the 70's!!!!!
    Thank you Fiona!!

  3. Well done!!! I am not in the 80's yet:( I can't wait until I am though!! I love that photo of you two...very nice. I can't wait to meet you at the state meet in Deloraine:)
